Today is the official release date of MAMA SEES STARS, the fourth book in my funny, Southern-fried Mace Bauer Mystery series. All the kids are doing blog tours, so I thought I'd try one, too. But I'm old, and kind of lazy ... so not only am I not making that many stops, I've also screwed up the scheduling through failure to plan and memory lapses.
Hence, I have lots of days with no stops, and a few days with too many stops. Sigh.
Anyway, I'm putting a list here of where I'm supposed to be, and what I'm supposed to write about (either as the fictional Mama character or the relatively real me). I think I can remember my way back to Ask Mama to check from time to time to see if A, I'm who I thought I was, and B, I'm at the tour stop where I'm supposed to be.
Do check out some of the wonderful bloggers so graciously hosting me:
MAMA SEES STARS Big Ol' Blog Tour, Sept-Oct 2011
Sept. 8, Launch Date:
Mama on Aromatherapy: Killer Crafts and Crafty Killers
Interview with Gail Shepherd on her blog about writing, PARADOXY
Profile by Jackie Minniti, Fabulous Florida Writers
Sept 9:
A Day in the Life of Mama, at the blog of super reader Dru Ann Love.
Bling My Boa, at the Midnight Ink Writers' Blog, Inkspot
Sept. 12:
Five Great Public Speaking Tips for Writers, at Elizabeth Craig's terrific blog, Mystery Writing is Murder
Sept. 15:
Guest at Barnes and Noble's online Mystery Book Club. Moderator: Becke Davis
Sept. 23:
''Watch for Falling Logophiles,'' at Cozy Chicks.
Oct. 13:
Guest Blogger at Meanderings and Muses, with the fabulous Kay Barley.
Oct. 23:
Sweeeeet!, Deborah on Movie Candy at Mystery Lovers Kitchen
Oct. 31:
Mama's Horrifying Halloween at Killer Characters